What are the symptoms of osteoporosis? In general, there are no symptoms early on, because the disease usually develops gradually. This is why osteoporosis is called a silent disease. When symptoms occur, they may vary per individual, severity and other factors. A common sign of osteoporosis is fracture of the spine, wrist or hip. Fractures usually signal that the disease is in advanced stage, in which severe thinning of the bones and injuries have occurred. In this late stage, the symptoms of lasix mg iv osteoporosis may include: which may be severe, due to fractures of the spine bones, which can be very serious, due to spinal fractures
Friday, February 24, 2012
In general, there are no symptoms early
Treatment with bisphosphonates, which has ...
More than 2 million American men osteoporosis and another 12 million at risk, according to. Osteoporosis in men seems to illness ahead of his time at diagnosis, according to the request, and not investigated. These
current National Health and Nutrition Examination shows that the number of men affected is about twice to nearly 5 million people by 2020. A study conducted in
Archives of Internal Medicine confirms the lack of awareness of osteoporosis in men with less than three percent of men compared with 42 percent of women who receive treatment. Despite the large number of people affected, osteoporosis in men is often the background issues such as doctors and patients to focus on hypertension, diabetes and prostate problems. Thus, osteoporosis may remain undetected until clinical fractures occur, which may be too late for some patients, the mortality rate of men with hip fractures (31 percent) twice that of women (17 percent). (These figures are dependent on age: much lower, at 30 years, which falls on skis, and just above the 95-year-old man who falls in the bathroom).
Men with denser bones, making fewer men than women suffer from osteoporosis, and because they usually represent a decade later. Risk factors for osteoporosis in men include heredity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low calcium intake, lack of exercise, prolonged exposure to certain medications (eg steroids for asthma and arthritis), and violations that lower testosterone levels. Like women, men need to think about osteoporosis if they notice any loss of height, change in posture or sudden onset of back pain. Fractures that occur in the absence of falling or injury should also cause suspicion. The good news is that the loss of bone mass and fracture risk can both be reduced by raising healthy habitsBЂ "to improve nutrition and weight-bearing exercise. Most American men have inadequate calcium intake every day, so make sure that every day of elemental calcium, about 1200 mg. Vitamin D is also essential for strengthening bones, and men should have from 10 to 20 micrograms (400 and 800 international units) per day. Treatment with bisphosphonates, which leads to increased bone density, should be discussed with your doctor. Male osteoporosis is on the rise, but there are steps you can take to get you and your bones healthy. If you think youBЂ ™ re, at risk, make sure you talk about this with your doctor. ItBЂ ™ and "courageous" act. , MD is
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There are four stages of emphysema: the risk ...
There are four stages of emphysema: risk, mild emphysema, emphysema moderate to severe emphysema. To determine whether someone has emphysema and which stage it is, the doctor will use a breathing test called spirometry. While breathing normally test for risk stage lasix fluid pill of emphysema, it shows mild airflow limitation in mild stages, the deterioration of bronchial obstruction in moderate stages, and severe airflow limitation in severe stages. In the severe stages of emphysema, exacerbation of symptoms can be life threatening. .
Sometimes they may occur spontaneously
Rarely in men than women because men have larger skeletons, their bone loss starts later and progresses slowly, and they do not have a period of rapid hormonal changes and bone loss. As in other tissues, bone tissue is alive and constantly changing, reconstruction and rehabilitation, as well as bone mass and strength can depend on factors such as exercise and diet (especially intake, phosphates and other nutrients). Problems with any of these factors can lead to bone loss more than the restoration of bone resulting in osteoporosis, which can occur at any age - broken wrist, hip and vertebral fractures are the most common and, although it is more common in older age, young people can sometimes be affected. Osteoporosis occurs when the rack, make up a grid like structure within the bones become thin causing bones become brittle and break easily after a slight blow or fall, although fractures can occur in different parts of the body, arms, hips and spine The most frequently affected. Bones contain (protein), calcium and other minerals, and each bone has a thick outer shell known as cortical bone and a strong inner mesh trabekulyarnoy bone, which looks like a honeycomb, old and worn bones, broken down by cells called osteoclasts and replaced by bone building cells called osteoblasts. This process is called a renewal of bone tissue and in childhood, osteoblasts work faster, allowing the skeleton increases in size, density and strength, and in this period of rapid bone growth, it is the skeleton in just two years to completely renew themselves while in adults it process takes seven to ten years. Somewhere between the ages of 16 to 18 years, the bones stop growing in length, but bone density continues to increase slowly until the person reaches his late 20's, when the balance between bone demolition and construction is stable. Around 35, bone loss increases very gradually, as part of the natural aging process and this can lead to osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures, especially in the elderly - women are particularly sensitive because bone loss is more rapid for several years after. Osteoporosis is only painful if fractures occur with thin, fragile bones themselves are not painful, but
means that the more likely that you have a greater risk of fractures, "which can lead to pain and other problems . Osteoporosis usually does not slow down or stop the healing process and bone that violate by osteoporosis will continue to heal as well as in people who have osteoporosis, usually within six to eight weeks. Scattered wrist can be the first sign of osteoporosis and are often found in middle-aged women who put their hands to break the fall - healthy bones should be able to withstand falls from heights constantly. Hips affected as a result often occur in the late 70's or 80's usually a result of falling and can affect all aspects of life. While full recovery is always a possibility it often depends on how someone in front of a broken hip occurs frequently and regaining full mobility and independence can be difficult to need the support of physiotherapists and social care services. The fall is usually later in life due to poor balance and coordination, leading to high-risk violation hip, something that can make a significant impact on quality of life. Reduced risk of falling may be a way to reduce the risk of fractures as a violation of the thigh, when the elders can make a significant impact on the independence of man and can create fear of falling, making the elderly nerve to participate in daily activities. Fractures due to osteoporosis of the spine bones (vertebrae) usually occur in the lumbar (lower) and thoracic (middle) area of the spine and while they do not interfere with the spinal cord or the result of or loss of sensation, except in very exceptional cases they can lead to loss of height or curvature of the spine. Fracture of one or more vertebrae may result from clumsy movement, like reaching for something on the kitchen cabinets or lift heavy bags. Sometimes they may occur spontaneously, very little reason, for example, after coughing or sneezing episode. If fractures are numerous and difficult they may lead to significant loss of height and curvature causes shortness of breath, protruding stomach problems
and stress urinary incontinence. Others, such as bone, the humerus (forearm), ribs and pelvis can also break if they are fragile. Less common species such as osteoporosis is an unusual condition in young people, where fractures occur spontaneously, without apparent major problem, sometimes due to other factors, such as corticosteroids, brittle >> << (), or that the child fixed. Osteoporosis associated with pregnancy is also a rare disease, when bone is usually in the spine or hip, break easily during or after pregnancy. differs from osteoporosis and disease which affects joints in the body, causing them to be damaged - hips, knees and toes may be affected and so can the spine and joints as osteoarthritis and
more common as people age. Another rare condition is only temporary migratory osteoporosis, which can lead to chronic pain and is also linked to sudden loss of bone density, usually in the thigh and in contrast to "normal" osteoporosis is only painful when broken bone has occurred. The pain eventually goes away and sometimes repeated in another part of the body and the direction in clinical pain may be necessary to cope with pain, problems associated with this condition. Complex regional pain syndrome CRPS affects the hands, feet, wrists, ankles or knees, but can be extended to a finite, although often caused by minor trauma or previous broken bones, cause continuous pain poorly understood - sometimes the pain can be traced to a damaged nerve, but sometimes not, and often loss of bone density in the target zone. This is a localized problem and does not in general osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and fragility fractures may be terminated by maximizing bone strength in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood when the skeleton grows. In the bank "a large number of bones in these years, the skeleton is in a better position to withstand the loss of bone mass that occurs with age and this can be achieved through a large number of exercises weight bearing and eating well-balanced, calcium rich diet. Regardless of age or sex, healthy eating is vital for strong bones and lasix 12 mg diet that includes a variety of foods from the four major groups - fruits and vegetables
such as bread, potatoes, pasta and cereals, milk and dairy products and proteins such as meat, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds, will all help to provide all the vitamins, minerals and energy necessary to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as. Experts also recommend that people reduce saturated fats, sugar and salt, and they say exercise is important for everyone at all stages of his life, but especially important for people with osteoporosis who are at risk of destruction. small, thin body (less than 127 pounds)
Caucasian or Asian race, but African American and Hispanic women also are at significant risk of disease
abnormal absence of menstrual periods or have, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, which can cause menstruation to stop before menopause, and loss of bone tissue from too much exercise
low long-term use of glucocorticoids (medications prescribed for many diseases, including,
) anti-drugs, gonadotropin-releasing for treatment, the aluminum-containing antacids. some >> <<
Every time our bodies
function to create tissues and cells. Every time our bodies
create more cells to replace dead cells or dysfunctional.
For example, if you cut your finger, your body (if it functions properly
) start - not even losing a minute, or ask your
permits the creation of skin cells to blood clotting and
start the healing process. This process is really a metabolic response
, and
called anabolism. On the other hand, is the exact opposite of
occurring in other parts of the body. Instead of building cells and tissues
through metabolism, the body destroys energy, so that
, body can do what he should do. For example, you aerobic exercise, the body temperature rises
as heart rate increases and remains in a range >>. << As this happens, your body needs more oxygen, and thus your breath
increases as you use more H
O. This is,
, as you can imagine requires more energy. Finally lasix drug for cats, if your body can not adapt to this extension >> << oxygen demand (how to make it and keep it off as carbon dioxide
), it will collapse! Assuming of course that you
not overdo it, your body
instead begin converting food (ie calories) to energy. I
process, as you know, this process of metabolism, called catabolism
. So as you can see, metabolism
constant process
cares about two seemingly contradictory functions: anabolism that uses energy
to create cells and catabolism, which breaks
cells to produce energy. Indeed,
it so that the metabolism earns its reputation
harmonizer. It brings together these seemingly contradictory functions
, and makes it the best way that allows the body
create cells as needed, and break them again as needed. .
Taken in small doses, dietary supplements
Also available in the format Portable Document Format (PDF, 693KB, 8pg).
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To succeed in sports, is worthy of admiration. Most high school, college, amateur and professional athletes participating in sporting opportunities to make their skills against those of their peers and to experience the satisfaction that comes from playing its full potential. Others do so to satisfy the desire for recognition and fame. Unfortunately, this creates some athletes who are determined to win at any cost. And they can use this definition to justify the use of anabolic steroids, despite evidence that these drugs can cause irreversible physical damage and have serious side effects. Anabolic steroids, commonly called steroids, juices, deception or the pump is powerful medicine. They are controlled substances that are abused by people in high doses to boost their athletic performance. Anabolic steroids are not the same as steroids such as prednisone or hydrocortisone, which are legally used to treat asthma and inflammation of the skin or other body parts. Anabolic means building body tissues. Anabolic steroids help build muscle tissue and increase body mass by acting as a natural male body hormone, testosterone. However, steroids can not improve agility athlete or skills. Many factors determine athletic ability, including genetics, body size, age lasix drug heart, sex, diet and how hard the athlete trains. Anabolic steroids are chemical derivatives of testosterone, the male sex hormone. With proper use of anabolic steroids may help in treating blood diseases, connective tissue disease, some cancers, intractable arthritis, some sexual disorders and other serious diseases. But because of their potentially serious side effects, they should be prescribed and used only under strict medical supervision. In the federal and New York State law, anabolic steroids may be used only by authorized predchertilkoy after face to face examination of the patient. The number of athletes who abuse anabolic steroids is unknown. Many sports associations prohibit their use, including National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), National Association of Student Sports (NCAA) and the Olympic Games, so that some athletes are willing to admit that they use these drugs. NFL examine their athletes for illegal use. Players who test positive face suspension and, after testing positive a second time will be expelled from the league. MLB players are tested once a year, and if they test positive may be suspended for up to ten days. If a player gives a positive result after the first test, they may be excluded from work without pay for up to one year. American Academy of Pediatrics and American College of Sports Medicine condemn the use of anabolic steroids to enhance athletic performance or bodybuilding. Considering that anabolic steroids can increase competitiveness and productivity, uninformed or erroneous athletes, coaches and sometimes advised parents abusing these drugs build muscle mass, promote aggressiveness and increased body weight. Some athletes often take two or more anabolic steroids together, mixing oral and / or injectable types and sometimes adding other drugs such as stimulants, painkillers, or growth hormones. This is called stacking. Athlete finds that different drugs will produce more power and muscle mass than using just one drug. What they do not know or ignore is body damage that abuse these drugs can cause. In the struggle for food supplements such as creatine, should be used with caution. Manufacturers claim that they can build muscle and improve strength without the side effects of steroids. Taken in small doses, dietary supplements may not be harmful. Before you take any over-the-counter supplements or adding them to the regime, talk to your doctor. When taken in large doses and in combination with alcohol or aspirin, or in combination with stimulents, such as caffeine or ephedrine, dietary supplements can be dangerous. Creatine can cause short-term cramps and diarrhea. While little is known about long-term use, creatine has been associated with muscle injury and kidney problems. Creatine and other dietary supplements are gaining popularity. Manufacturers claim that they can build muscle and increase strength and endurance without the side effects of steroids. Dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and also held the same strict standards as drugs. If misused, they can have harmful consequences. Creatine and some other nutritional supplements banned NFL, NCAA and Olympics. New York State law prohibits the sale of dietary supplements containing ephedra stimulent.
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stunted growth caused by premature closure of cartilage, as the growth plate in Teenagers
appearance or increase in acne and other skin rashes or illness
hepatitis B or hepatitis C, HIV infection (if needles are shared)
aggressive, even violent >> << ; behavior, because anabolic steroids are derivatives of testosterone, they can provide a profound impact on hormone levels in male and female offenders. Enlarged prostate, as well as increase the risk of prostate cancer
Changes in the male reproductive system is often reversible, if anabolic steroids are not abused for a long period of time. Unfortunately, some changes in women is not reversible. Prolonged abuse anabolic steroids often leads to physical dependence. Violators must undergo rigorous, under medical supervision conclusion of the program. Sometimes athletes who use anabolic steroids may share needles, syringes and other equipment they use to give these drugs. Through the exchange of syringes, needles and other equipment, a person becomes a high risk of HIV transmission. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. If people share needles, syringes and other equipment for the introduction of steroids into a vein (IV), in muscle or under the skin, a small amount of blood from the person infected with HIV, may be introduced into the blood the next person to use the equipment. HIV affects the immune system, making the body less able to fight infections and cancer. There is no vaccine or cure for HIV or AIDS. People who may have contact with HIV should be tested. If they learn that there is a virus, they can start treatment early. You can not tell just looking at someone if he or she has HIV. And, as someone can be infected with HIV for years without any symptoms, some people may not know that they are infected with HIV. Anyone who has ever shared a needle to remove any drugs - even once - can become HIV-infected and should be checked. For more information about HIV / AIDS and HIV testing, call the New York State Department of Health for AIDS Hotline:
For free copies of HIV / AIDS brochures and booklets, write to :
Albany, NY 12220
There are many ways to increase their strength and improve your appearance. If you are serious about sports and health, follow these tips in mind:
train safely, without drugs. Eat a healthy diet. Get plenty of rest. Set realistic goals and be proud of themselves when you reach them. Look for training supervision, training and consultation with a trusted professional. Avoid injuries by playing safely and using protective equipment. Talk to your doctor about nutrition, health, injury prevention and safe way to gain strength. Abuse of anabolic steroids in high school, college and other amateurs is a dangerous practice. Amateur sports participants should be aware of physical and emotional risks associated with steroids. Victory at all costs attitude covered by some athletes to be redirected and replace personal commitment to sport, a thorough knowledge of the physical demands of sports and demands a healthy lifestyle, and evaluation of satisfaction that comes from participation. For more information, visit the site.