Friday, February 24, 2012

Every time our bodies


function to create tissues and cells. Every time our bodies

create more cells to replace dead cells or dysfunctional.

For example, if you cut your finger, your body (if it functions properly

) start - not even losing a minute, or ask your

permits the creation of skin cells to blood clotting and

start the healing process. This process is really a metabolic response

, and

called anabolism. On the other hand, is the exact opposite of

occurring in other parts of the body. Instead of building cells and tissues

through metabolism, the body destroys energy, so that

, body can do what he should do. For example, you aerobic exercise, the body temperature rises

as heart rate increases and remains in a range >>. << As this happens, your body needs more oxygen, and thus your breath

increases as you use more H

O. This is,

, as you can imagine requires more energy. Finally lasix drug for cats, if your body can not adapt to this extension >> << oxygen demand (how to make it and keep it off as carbon dioxide

), it will collapse! Assuming of course that you

not overdo it, your body

instead begin converting food (ie calories) to energy. I

process, as you know, this process of metabolism, called catabolism

. So as you can see, metabolism

constant process

cares about two seemingly contradictory functions: anabolism that uses energy

to create cells and catabolism, which breaks

cells to produce energy. Indeed,

it so that the metabolism earns its reputation

harmonizer. It brings together these seemingly contradictory functions

, and makes it the best way that allows the body

create cells as needed, and break them again as needed. .

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