Friday, February 24, 2012

Human immune system determines

Human immune system - a complex of buildings from the body,

tumor cells and pathogens. Human immune system determines

cells. Human immune system, each person, but also of the immune system >> << all the same. Immune system consists of:

Bodies of the human immune system, guard our health system. The immune system is your weight in the normal state is about 1 kg. Immune system builds a defense in several levels. In addition, each >> << back. Human immune system on the first level - the usual

physical barery. If the parasite penetrates through these barery then

takes the innate immune system. If the immune system

powerless against invading aliens, persons immune system >> << is the third level - acquired immune system. This part of the form >> << immune memory. This allows the memory of the human immune >> infection. << By the way, the rate of transmission - a unique and versatile method for forming a given level of immune protection. Immune system are many ways to identify and destroy foreign bodies, and this process is called immune response. functions of the human immune system is very diverse. The bodies immune system >> << do tireless work of its specificity. Feature >> << human immune system matures central immune cells. reactive cells - antigens. The system is constantly circulating and are in continuous interaction

release of cytokines and immunoglobulins. This provides complete protection

mechanism of the body. Here are short and all the functions

on the human immune system. Well, if you just say that >> << aggressors and maintain its activity lasix heart rate in the normal state. This is true. http://www. herbalcureindia. COM / vitamins / vitamin immune system. HTML

entire body. Diseases of the immune system can be divided into

exhibits hyperactivity, taking their tissues and cells for foreign >> << and attack them (autoimmune disease). The immune system can cause environmental toxins, careless men

attitude to your body. Diseases of the human immune system can lead

to very poor results, and often fatal. The reasons for this terrible

diseases like AIDS, cancer only weak immune system. Poor

food addiction to alcohol, tobacco, lack of exercise and sleep -

result of all this weakened immune system. way to strengthen the immune system, and not just words. Transfer Factor test of time and its practical application. There

immunostimulant somehow can not compete with him. Transfer factor

no contraindications (except individual intolerance), age restrictions.

If you have a weak immune system - your output transmission

factor. If you have a disease of the immune system - your output transmission

factor. Details and and.

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